Our Governance

NT Land Corporation is a corporate entity governed by robust practices and processes. The Corporation is managed by a trusted, highly skilled Board currently made up of retired and current executive level public servants, with extensive experience in land management, corporate governance, and a broad knowledge of the Territory.

The NT Land Corporation was established by, and is subject to, the Northern Territory Land Corporation Act 1986 (NT). As an entity established by government under legislation, but independent of government, NT Land Corporation is not subject to government direction and looks to Corporations Law, other laws and other corporate governance standards, such as disclosure of interest, for governance guidance.

NT Land Corporation has been operating with the trust of successive governments on both sides of politics for over the 35 years. The Corporation provides government with the opportunity to be informed of its strategic projects, such as the future use of land held for conservation or future development, and to ensure industry best practice.

NT Land Corporation acts in the best long-term interest of the Northern Territory and in a manner that is consistent with NT Government policy. This is reflected by its historical and current land holdings which feature in agricultural and pastoral developments, new national parks and other long term public purposes (eg. future water security).