Completed Projects
Gregory National Park
NT Land Corporation held and maintained the previous pastoral areas, Delamere and Coolibah Stock Route...
Darwin River Dam
NT Land Corporation previously held and maintained the land incorporating the Darwin River Dam catchment...
Kings Canyon
The Kings Canyon Resort site was held and maintained by the NT Land Corporation during...
Mataranka Station
Mataranka Station Pastoral Lease was acquired by the Government in 1982 and subsequently granted to...
Limmen National Park
NT Land Corporation was entrusted with Nathan River Station, Billengarrah and St Vidgeon in the...
Venn Horticultural Subdivision
NT Land Corporation facilitated the release of the Venn Horticultural Subdivision in 1996. The Venn...
Douglas Daly
NT Land Corporation, in conjunction with the former Department of Primary Industry and Resources and...
West MacDonnell Ranges
NT Land Corporation held and maintained Milton Park pastoral lease in the West MacDonnell Ranges...
Bond Springs
NT Land Corporation holds a Special Purpose Lease over the Bond Springs Airstrip north of...