NT Land Corporation is a corporate entity governed by a stable, highly skilled board that has extensive knowledge and experience in areas of land management and corporate governance. This ensures the NT Land Corporation effectively meets its obligations as a land manager and its projects reflect the needs of the Northern Territory.
NT Land Corporation is entrusted to hold and maintain approximately 6,000 square kilometres of diverse landholdings, for various designated purposes. This includes future National Parks which generate co-management opportunities and Indigenous participation; land set aside to provide future water security and support the Northern Territory’s growth; land suitable for large scale agricultural developments; and land for future townships, ports, logistics and industrial uses.
NT Land Corporation has the ability to hold and maintain strategic land for long periods and facilitate its release when the time is right, to realise its potential and deliver economic, social, environmental, and cultural benefits to Territorians.
Under the leadership of its long-term board, the NT Land Corporation continues to contribute to the Northern Territory’s ongoing development.
Some project examples include:
The Venn Horticultural Subdivision, near Katherine, which provides local employment and high-quality fresh produce contributing to the Northern Territory’s food security.
The Limmen National Park, in the Gulf region, is the consolidation of three previous NT Land Corporation land holdings and now provides environmental protection for this significant landscape as well as delivering tourism and cultural benefits.
NT Land Corporation is working to release several large land holdings for horticultural development. These projects have the potential to deliver strong economic and regional benefits and will enable the Northern Territory to capitalise on the growing demand for fresh food supplies.
NT Land Corporation’s operational and administrative framework also enabled the timely release of available land, on commercial terms, for the expansion of Humpty Doo Barramundi, further advancing the development of the aquaculture industry in the Northern Territory.
NT Land Corporation has the stability and capability to develop and implement sound strategies with a high degree of autonomy, professionalism and transparency.
For more information, please see NT Land Corporation’s Completed Projects and refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.