Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of the NT Land Corporation?

NT Land Corporation’s role is to acquire, hold, maintain and release land at the right time for its strategic designated use, to advance the Northern Territory’s long term economic and social development. The purpose of the NT Land Corporation is to provide on-going stability and ensure the land it holds is available, when the time is right, to realise its full potential for the benefit of the Northern Territory.

What is the legal entity of the NT Land Corporation?

The Northern Territory Land Corporation is a corporate body set up under the Northern Territory Land Corporation Act 1986 (NT). As a private corporation, NT Land Corporation is required to act within all Corporations Laws and other laws that apply to its activities.

What is the decision-making structure of NT Land Corporation?

NT Land Corporation is a corporate entity governed by a highly experienced board, with extensive experience in land management and knowledge of the Northern Territory. NT Land Corporation informs the government of the day about its projects and ensures that development projects are consistent with government policy and the needs of the Northern Territory.

Who are the NT Corporation Board members?

Current Board members are Mr John Coleman PSM (Chair), Mr John Pinney AM, Mr Chris Bigg, Ms Jo Townsend, Dr David Ritchie and Ms Leah Clifford. 

How can Territorians be sure that NT Land Corporation is operating in the best interest of the Territory?

NT Land Corporation has operated with governments on both sides of politics and has served Territorians responsibly for over 35 years. It has demonstrated that it has the stability and capability to develop sound policies and strategies and to carry them out with a high degree of autonomy, efficiency and effectiveness.

The success of its Completed Projects and Current Projects is further evidence of NT Land Corporation’s commitment to enabling diverse land use activities that contribute to the Northern Territory’s long-term economic and social development.

Do development and licensing approval processes differ for NT Land Corporation?

NT Land Corporation is not exempt from Northern Territory laws and regulations, and its projects are subject to standard application and approval processes. This also applies to third parties who have been granted rights to use, develop or occupy land held by the NT Land Corporation.

It is a condition of NT Land Corporation Project Development Agreements that successful proponents must obtain all necessary approvals and agreements before any works can commence on the land.

What do the day-to-day operations of NT Land Corporation consist of?

NT Land Corporation is responsible for managing the maintenance and preservation of its land assets. It also undertakes project development investigations and assessments, lease and licence preparations and administration.

Where does the money go when land is released?

Moneys received by NT Land Corporation in respect to the sale of land assets is returned to Treasury. NT Land Corporation is largely self-funded by its fee for service revenue, and its rental returns are reinvested into land maintenance.

How much land does NT Land Corporation hold?

NT Land Corporation holds and maintains approximately 6,000 square kilometres of land in the Northern Territory. This includes land set aside for future water supplies, future national parks, future agricultural development, future townships, and future port, logistics and strategic industries. Holding and maintaining strategic land designated for future use ensures short term projects and activities do not damage or erode the long-term potential and purpose of the land. (e.g. poisoning, clearing or inappropriate development of areas). 

Who decides what land is used for and when?

The Board decides when the time is right for land to be released, following consultation with Government and due diligence validating the land release is appropriate, ascertaining that there is critical population mass demanding the release or suitable development investment capital is available to achieve the long-term vision for the land and realise its full potential for the benefit of Territorians. For land held long term for public purposes (e.g. national parks) it is the Government’s decision when it is required for its end purpose.

How does NT Land Corporation differ from the Land Development Corporation?

The Land Development Corporation is the NT Government’s strategic industrial, residential, and commercial land developer and is a Government Business Division.

NT Land Corporation is not a government entity and has the ability to hold and maintain strategic land for long periods, and to facilitate its release when it is ready, and the time is right.

Was NT Land Corporation set up to shield land from Aboriginal land rights claims?

Most of the NT Land Corporation’s land is held in common with native title holders and is subject to native title rights in the same manner as Crown land. Any party with rights to use, develop or occupy NT Land Corporation land where native title rights exist must complete an Indigenous Land Use Agreement, under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).  

NT Land Corporation was established to ensure that land is available for use, at the right time, to advance the Northern Territory’s future economic and social development, for the benefit of all Territorians.

In what circumstances is land handed over from NT Land Corporation to the NT Government?

The NT Government can request that Corporation-owned land which is ready and fit for purpose be handed over for specific development which will bring long term benefits to the Territory. An example of this is the Limmen National Park. NT Land Corporation held and maintained Nathan River Station, Billengarrah and St Vidgeon until such time as their full potential as a national park could be realised. Limmen National Park was gazetted in July 2012 and the properties were then formally transferred to the NT Government to be managed by Parks and Wildlife.

How do people contact the NT Land Corporation? Where can I get further information?

NT Land Corporation can be contacted by telephone on 8999 3868, or you can email us via our webform.